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Applicable to open source & enterprise version

There are 2 primary items that need to be stored in OpenObserve.

  1. Ingested stream data
  2. Metadata of ingested stream data

Metadata for stream data is always stored:

  1. on disk for Local mode in sqlite
  2. in etcd/mysql/postgres for Cluster mode. etcd is highly discouraged and postgres is recommended.

Stream data can be stored on disk, s3, minIO and other compatible s3 API object storages, like: Google GCS, Alibaba OSS, Tencent COS.


  1. Default OpenObserve runs as Local mode, you can set LOCAL_MODE=false to enable Cluster mode.
  2. In Local mode it also can use s3 as storage, you can set ZO_LOCAL_MODE_STORAGE=s3 to storage data in s3.
  3. For GCS, OSS they all support s3 SDK, so you can think of them as s3 for all practical purposes. GCS is also supported if s3 is not suitable for you. Azure blob is also supported.


Data is stored in parquet format, which is columnar storage format, it is efficient for query and storage.


Disk is default storage place for stream data, make sure you have enough storage available on your disk for stream data storage. During data ingestion the stream name that you provide may not be present, in that case a new folder for stream will be created automatically for storing the stream data.


To use S3 for storing stream data following needs to be done:

  • Make AWS IAM credentials available to OpenObserve by any supported mechanisms. OpenObserve uses AWS SDK which looks for credentials through:

  • Environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (Not recommended due to security concerns)

  • Your aws CLI credentials stored in ~/.aws/credentials
  • Instance metadata on an EC2 Instance/Fargate container/ECS container. You do this providing an IAM role to an EC2 instance or a task role to an ECS task - IMDS/IMDSv2 . ECS is not recommended as it does not have support for stateful workloads off EBS as of now.
  • IAM Roles for service Accounts in EKS

You need to create the bucket in S3 first.


OpenObserve can use MinIO for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - minIO server address
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, can be anything, like: us-west-1
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name
ZO_S3_PROVIDER minio used to specify settings like force_style=true

You need to create the bucket in MinIO first.

Openstack Swift

OpenObserve can use Openstack swift for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - swift server address, like:
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, can be anything, like: us-west-1
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name
ZO_S3_PROVIDER s3 Use s3 compatible API
AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED true swift doesn't support ec2 metadata, Usually you don't need this

You need to create the bucket in swift first.

Google GCS

OpenObserve can use google cloud storage for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup: Using S3 api:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - gcs server address. should be:
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, gcs region name, or: auto
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name
ZO_S3_PROVIDER s3 Use s3 compatible API

You can refer to:

Or you can use gcs directly:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - gcs server address. should be:
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, gcs region name, or: auto
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - Path to gcp json private key if not available through instance metadata
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name
ZO_S3_PROVIDER gcs Use gcs api

Under the hood object_store crate is used through with_env() function and if ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY is set also with with_service_account_path() function

Alibaba OSS (aliyun)

OpenObserve can use Alibaba(aliyun) OSS for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - oss endpoint address, eg:
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, oss region name, eg: oss-cn-beijing.
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key

You can refer to:

Tencent COS

OpenObserve can use tencent cloud storage for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - cos endpoint address
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, cos region name
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name

You can refer to:

UCloud US3

OpenObserve can use ucloud cloud storage for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - us3 endpoint address, eg:
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name

You can refer to:

Baidu BOS

OpenObserve can use baidu cloud storage for storing stream data, following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_SERVER_URL - bos endpoint address, eg:
ZO_S3_REGION_NAME - region name, bos region name, eg: bj
ZO_S3_ACCESS_KEY - access key
ZO_S3_SECRET_KEY - secret key
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name

You can refer to:

Azure Blob

OpenObserve can use azure blob for storing stream data. Following environment variables needs to be setup:

Environment Variable Value Description
ZO_S3_PROVIDER azure Azure blob storage provider
ZO_LOCAL_MODE_STORAGE s3 Required only if running in single node mode
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME Storage account name Need to provide mandatorily
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY Access key Need to provide mandatorily
ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME Blob Container name Need to provide mandatorily


Default meta store is SQLite and can be changed by using ZO_META_STORE environment variable.

etcd - Deprecated


While etcd is used as the cluster coordinator it is also set as the default meta store by the older helm charts. Newer helm charts released after Feb 23 2024 use postgres as the meta store.



Installations running on a single node can use SQLite as metadata store. You do not need to take any extra steps to use SQLite. This is generally not recommended as losing the SQLite data will causing OpenObserve to not operate.



This is the recommended meta store as it is more reliable and scalable. A lot of service providers provide managed postgres service that you can rely upon. Default helm chart released after Feb 23, 2024 uses cloudnative-pg to create a postgres cluster (primary + replica) which is used as the meta store. These instances provide great HA capability and backup and restore is much easier too in case its required.

MySQL - Deprecated


Use this if you prefer MySQL for any reason.