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Endpoint: GET /api/{organization}/{stream}/_values?fields={fields}&start_time={start_time}&end_time={end_time}&size=10&keyword=&no_count=false



Field name Data type Default value Description
stream string - stream name
fields string - the fields you want to get values, field1,field2
size int64 0 how many values do you want to response, order by values num
start_time int64 0 Only list the values in the time range
end_time int64 0 Only list the values in the time range
keyword string - search for the values
no_count bool false set to true will not response count and order by the value


    "took": 155,
    "hits": [
            "field": "field name",
            "values": [
                    "zo_sql_key": "value1",
                    "zo_sql_num": 2070
    "total": 10,
    "from": 0,
    "size": 0,
    "scan_size": 28943

Response description:


Field name Data type Default value Description
took int64 - unit: milliseconds, query execute time
total int64 0 it will response zero if query.track_total_hits is false or there is no aggregations or it will response the total record the query.sql can matched.
from int64 0 value from query.from
size int64 0 value from query.size
scan_size int64 0 unit: MB, it response the data size scale when execute the query.
hits array - records for query, each record is a log row what you ingested.