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Manage Dashboards

This guide explains how to manage Dashboards and use the Dashboard toolbar.

Manage Dashboards

OpenObserve offers the following options for viewing, searching, and performing actions on the Dashboards you have created or imported.

manage dashboard

View Dashboards

The Dashboards table displays key details about each Dashboard, such as:

  • Name: The name of the Dashboard.
  • Identifier: A unique identifier for each Dashboard.
  • Description: A brief description of the Dashboard.
  • Owner: The user who created the Dashboard.
  • Created: The timestamp showing when the Dashboard was created.

Perform Actions on Dashboards

From the Actions column, you can move a Dashboard to another folder, duplicate a Dashboard, and delete a Dashboard.

Search Dashboards

You can search for Dashboards by name, either within a specific folder or across all folders.

  • Search Within a Folder: Use the Search Dashboard bar at the top of the list..
  • Search Across All Folders: Enable the All Folders toggle next to the Search Dashboard bar before performing a search.

Dashboard Toolbar

The Dashboard toolbar provides several options for managing your Dashboard’s behavior and interactions:

dashboard toolbar

  1. Add Panel: Use the Add Panel button to add a new Panel to the selected Dashboard.
  2. Time Range Selection: You can adjust the time range for which you want to visualize the data on your Dashboard by selecting an Absolute or Relative time range based on your timezone.
  3. Auto Refresh Interval: Set the auto-refresh interval for your Dashboard. This is useful when you want the data to update automatically at specified intervals, such as every 5 minutes.
  4. Manual Refresh: Use the Refresh button to manually update the Dashboard and all its Panels with the latest data.
  5. Export Dashboard: Click the Export button to export your Dashboard as a JSON file. This is useful for sharing or backing up the Dashboard configuration.
  6. Share Dashboard: Use the Share button to share a link to the Dashboard with others.
  7. Dashboard Settings: Use the Dashboard Settings to adjust General Settings, and manage Variables and Tabs.
  8. Print Dashboard: Use the Print button to print the Dashboard or export it as a PDF.
  9. Go FullScreen: Use this button to turn on the fullscreen mode.
  10. Scheduled Dashboards: Use the Scheduled Dashboards option to configure Scheduled and Cached Dashboards.
  11. Edit Dashboard JSON: This option allows you to directly edit the JSON configuration of your Dashboard, giving you advanced control over its structure and settings.

Dashboard Settings

In the Dashboard Settings, you can configure various options to customize the behavior of your Dashboard.

General Settings

  • Name: Use it to modify the name of your Dashboard.
  • Description: Modify the description for the Dashboard.
  • Default Duration: You can adjust the time range for the entire dashboard by selecting an Absolute or Relative time range based on your timezone. This allows you to view the data for different periods.
  • Show Dynamic Filters: Enable or disable the dynamic filters for the Dashboard. This allows users to interactively filter data displayed in Panels.

dynamic filters


In the Variables section, you can edit and delete existing variables, add new variables, and view variable dependencies.



In the Tabs section, you can add, edit, and delete Tabs within the Dashboard.
