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Enable RBAC in OpenObserve Enterprise

This guide provides instructions for enabling Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in OpenObserve Enterprise Edition. OpenObserve uses OpenFGA to manage RBAC.

Before You Begin


Before enabling RBAC, ensure the following:

Step 1: Install OpenFGA

OpenFGA must be installed before using RBAC. It can be installed using:

  • Helm Chart (Recommended Method)
  • Alternative Methods (Docker, Docker Compose, Package Manager, Pre-compiled Binaries, or Building from Scratch)

Option 1: Install OpenFGA Using Helm Chart

Helm Chart is a package manager for Kubernetes, and its configuration is stored in a file called values.yaml.


Ensure you have Kubernetes and the OpenObserve Helm Chart installed.

To enable RBAC using Helm Chart:

  1. Set openfga.enabled: true in values.yaml file.

Navigate to the values.yaml file in the OpenObserve Helm chart repository and update this configuration as follows:

    enabled: true
      O2_MAP_GROUP_TO_ROLE: "true"
      O2_OPENFGA_PAGE_SIZE: "100"
      repository: openfga/openfga
      tag: latest
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
2. Run the following commands to update Helm:

helm repo update
kubectl get namespaces
  • If the output shows openobserve, run the helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade --namespace openobserve -f values.yaml o2 openobserve/openobserve
  • If the output does not show openobserve, run the kubectl create command before executing the helm upgrade command:

kubectl create ns openobserve
3. After deployment, verify if all the pods are in a running state:

kubectl get pods -n openobserve
Expected output: All pods should be in the Running state.

Option 2: Install OpenFGA Without Helm

If you prefer not to use Helm, OpenFGA can be installed and run using other methods:

  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose
  3. Package Manager
  4. Pre-compiled Binaries
  5. Building from Scratch

Impportant Note:

When installing OpenFGA using the alternative methods, you must run the OpenFGA and OpenObserve servers separately. Refer to the respective installation links for instructions on running the OpenFGA server. Ensure that you run the openfga migrate command before running the openfga run command. Check the Quickstart guide for steps to run the OpenObserve server.

If you are installing OpenFGA with Helm charts, deploying the Helm chart is sufficient.

Step 2: Configure OpenFGA Environment Variables

After the OpenFGA server is up and running, update the following environment variables:

Note: If you enabled OpenFGA using Kubernetes with OpenObserve Helm charts, you do not need to set the O2_OPENFGA_ENABLED and O2_OPENFGA_BASE_URL environment variables manually. Setting OpenFGA in the values.yaml file is sufficient.

Required Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Value Description
O2_OPENFGA_ENABLED false Determines whether OpenFGA is enabled.
Set this value to true to enable OpenFGA.
O2_OPENFGA_BASE_URL N/A Enter the URL of the OpenFGA server.
Example: If the OpenFGA server is running locally on port 8080, set this to:

Optional Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Value Description
O2_OPENFGA_STORE_NAME openobserve Specifies the name of the OpenFGA store. Default value is sufficient.
O2_OPENFGA_PAGE_SIZE 100 Defines the number of records inserted into the OpenFGA database at a time.
O2_OPENFGA_LIST_ONLY_PERMITTED false If O2_OPENFGA_LIST_ONLY_PERMITTED is set to true, assigning only the List permission to a resource (such as Alerts) will not allow users to see its contents.
Example: If a user has the List permission for alerts, the Alerts page will appear empty, but no error will be shown. To allow users to see alerts, you must also assign them the Get permission.