Migration from Elasticsearch

Struggling with Elasticsearch/Opensearch

Discover 140x lower cost and extremely low maintenance of OpenObserve.

OpenObserve is Built for log search from ground up

OpenObserve is Built for log search from ground up

OpenObserve was built from ground up for log search and is heavily optimized for it. It is not a general purpose search engine like Elasticsearch where log search and observability was an afterthought.
Lower your storage cost of log strage by 140x

Lower your storage cost of log strage by 140x

OpenObserve does not rely on indexing of the data. It stores un-indexed data in compressed format in local disk or object store in parquet columnar format. This allows for much lower compute requirement during data ingestion and very high compression rates resulting in ~140x lower storage cost. No indexing of data means that full scan searches may be slower than Elasticsearch but should still be fast due to multiple other techniques like partitioning and caching.
Full Elasticsearch compatibility

Full Elasticsearch compatibility

APIs of OpenObserve are fully compatible with Elasticsearch. This means that you can use OpenObserve as a drop-in replacement for Elasticsearch. You can use OpenObserve with any existing tooling that works with Elasticsearch.
Extremely low operational effort

Extremely low operational effort

Due to stateless nodes and no indexing, OpenObserve requires very low operational effort. You can run OpenObserve on Kubernetes or on bare metal. You can also run OpenObserve on AWS, GCP or Azure. OpenObserve is also available as a fully managed service on AWS and GCP.

OpenObserve Inc. © 2025