
ECS Fluent Bit Configuration Tips and Tricks

September 18, 2024 by OpenObserve Team
ECS Fluent Bit Configuration Tips and Tricks

Fluent Bit has become a popular choice for log forwarding and processing due to its lightweight nature and high performance. When integrated with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Fluent Bit offers a robust solution for managing and processing logs in containerized environments. This blog aims to provide you with practical configuration tips to get the most out of Fluent Bit with ECS.

Fluent Bit is designed to handle log data efficiently, making it an ideal tool for environments where performance and resource efficiency are critical. By using Fluent Bit, you can ensure that your logs are processed and forwarded with minimal overhead, enabling you to maintain optimal application performance.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of Fluent Bit configuration, debugging tips, advanced features like Lua scripting, and more. Whether you're just getting started or looking to optimize your existing setup, these insights will help you leverage Fluent Bit effectively within your ECS infrastructure.

Overview of the Popularity and Utility of Fluent Bit with ECS

Fluent Bit's popularity in the DevOps community is largely due to its ability to process logs from various sources and deliver them to multiple destinations with low latency and minimal resource consumption. When deployed alongside ECS, Fluent Bit can seamlessly integrate into your containerized environment, providing a scalable and efficient solution for log management.

Intentions to Share Useful Configuration Tips

The primary goal of this blog is to share practical configuration tips that can help you set up and optimize Fluent Bit within your ECS clusters. We'll cover essential configuration basics, advanced techniques, and troubleshooting strategies to ensure your log management system is both effective and efficient. By following these tips, you can enhance your log processing capabilities and maintain a high-performance ECS environment.

Next, we’ll dive into the basics of Fluent Bit configuration, breaking down the structure of its configuration files and explaining the role of each section.

Fluent Bit Configuration Basics

Configuring Fluent Bit effectively is crucial for ensuring that it operates smoothly and efficiently within your ECS environment. This section will break down the structure of Fluent Bit’s configuration files and highlight the essential components you need to know.

Explanation of Configuration File Structure

A Fluent Bit configuration file is organized into several sections, each serving a specific purpose. The primary sections include:

  1. Service: This section defines global properties for Fluent Bit, such as log level, flush interval, and other general settings.
  2. Input: Specifies the sources from which Fluent Bit collects logs. Each input plugin defines a particular type of log source, such as files, network streams, or system logs.
  3. Output: Defines where Fluent Bit sends the processed logs. Output plugins can forward logs to various destinations like Elasticsearch, AWS S3, or OpenObserve for advanced log analytics.
  4. Filter: Allows you to modify log records before they are sent to their destination. Filters can enrich, exclude, or transform log data as needed.

Importance of Parsers in Processing Input Records

Parsers play a vital role in interpreting the raw log data collected by input plugins. They convert unstructured log entries into structured data that Fluent Bit can process and route efficiently. Parsers are defined in separate configuration files and are referenced within the input and filter sections.

Not all configuration sections are mandatory. At a minimum, you need an input and an output section to define where Fluent Bit collects logs and where it sends them. Filters and parsers, while optional, provide powerful capabilities for log processing and should be utilized to enhance the efficiency and clarity of your log data.

Example Configuration

Here is a basic example of a Fluent Bit configuration file:

    Flush        1
    Daemon       Off
    Log_Level    info

    Name         tail
    Path         /var/log/containers/*.log
    Parser       docker

    Name         grep
    Match        *
    Regex        log ^ERROR

    Name         http
    Match        *
    Port         8080
    URI          /api/logs
    Format       json_lines

In this example:

  • The Service section sets general settings for Fluent Bit.
  • The Input section specifies that Fluent Bit should tail log files from a specified directory and use the Docker parser.
  • The Filter section applies a grep filter to only include logs containing the word "ERROR."
  • The Output section configures Fluent Bit to send logs to OpenObserve for advanced log management and analysis.

Enhancing Your Logging Setup with OpenObserve

OpenObserve seamlessly integrates with Fluent Bit, providing advanced analytics, visualization, and long-term storage for your logs. By sending your Fluent Bit logs to OpenObserve, you can gain deeper insights into your system's performance and streamline troubleshooting processes.

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Book a Demo

Want to see OpenObserve in action? Book a demo to learn how OpenObserve can complement your Fluent Bit configuration.

Next, we’ll look into debugging and troubleshooting Fluent Bit configurations to ensure smooth deployments and efficient log processing.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Fluent Bit Configuration File

Fluent Bit configuration can sometimes be tricky, especially during deployments and testing. This section will cover common challenges and practical tips for effective debugging and troubleshooting.

Challenges Faced with Deployments and Testing Changes

Deploying Fluent Bit configurations in a production environment can reveal unexpected issues. These challenges often include syntax errors, misconfigured plugins, or incorrect paths. Identifying and resolving these issues quickly is essential for maintaining smooth log processing.

Using the dummy Input for Quick Testing and Debugging

One of the best ways to test Fluent Bit configurations is by using the dummy input plugin. This plugin generates dummy log records, allowing you to verify that your configuration is working correctly without relying on real log data. Here’s a simple example:

    Name   dummy
    Tag    dummy.log

    Name   stdout
    Match  *

In this setup:

  • The Input section uses the dummy plugin to generate log records tagged as dummy.log.
  • The Output section sends these records to the standard output for quick inspection.

Workaround Using exec Instead of dummy for More Complex Testing Scenarios

For more complex scenarios, you can use the exec input plugin, which allows you to execute a script or command to generate log data. This method is particularly useful for simulating specific log patterns or testing complex filters and parsers. Here’s an example configuration:

    Name   exec
    Tag    exec.log
    Command echo '{"key": "value"}'

    Name   stdout
    Match  *

In this setup:

  • The Input section uses the exec plugin to run a command that generates log records.
  • The Output section sends these records to the standard output for verification.

Integrate OpenObserve for Enhanced Troubleshooting

Using OpenObserve with Fluent Bit can significantly streamline your debugging process. OpenObserve provides powerful visualization and search capabilities, making it easier to identify and resolve issues in your log data.

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Ready to enhance your troubleshooting setup? Sign up for a free trial of OpenObserve on our website.

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Interested in setting it up yourself? Check out our GitHub repository.

Book a Demo

Want to see OpenObserve in action? Book a demo to learn how OpenObserve can complement your Fluent Bit configuration.

In the next section, we’ll dive into loading parsers and using them effectively in Fluent Bit to process and enrich your log data.

Loading Parsers

Parsers play a crucial role in processing and enriching the input records in Fluent Bit. They allow you to transform raw log data into a structured format, making it easier to analyze and manage. This section covers the basics of using parsers effectively.

Placement of Parsers in a Separate File and Loading Them in the Service Section

To keep your configuration organized, it's recommended to place your parsers in a separate file and load them in the service section of your main configuration file. Here’s an example:

    Parsers_File parsers.conf

    Name   tail
    Path   /var/log/app.log
    Tag    app.log
    Parser json

    Name   stdout
    Match  *

In this setup:

  • The Service section specifies the file (parsers.conf) that contains the parser definitions.
  • The Input section uses the tail plugin to read logs from a file and applies the json parser.

Use of Parsers with Input and Filter Sections

Parsers are essential for transforming and enriching the log data. By configuring parsers in both the input and filter sections, you can ensure that the logs are processed correctly and are in a structured format that is easier to analyze.

Input Section

Using a parser in the input section allows you to transform raw log data as it is being ingested. Here’s an example:

    Name   tail
    Path   /var/log/apache2/access.log
    Tag    apache.access
    Parser apache2

    Name   stdout
    Match  *

In this configuration:

  • The Input section uses the tail plugin to read logs from the Apache access log file.
  • The Parser directive specifies the apache2 parser to format the log data appropriately.

Filter Section

The filter section allows for additional data processing after the logs have been ingested. You can use parsers in the filter section to modify and enrich logs further. Here’s an example:

    Name   tail
    Path   /var/log/mysql/error.log
    Tag    mysql.error

    Name   parser
    Match  mysql.error
    Key_Name log
    Parser mysql

    Name   stdout
    Match  *

In this setup:

  • The Input section reads logs from the MySQL error log file.
  • The Filter section uses the parser filter to re-parse the log field named log with the mysql parser. This helps in extracting additional fields or transforming the data further before sending it to the output.

In the next section, we’ll delve into modifying records using the FILTER section in Fluent Bit, allowing you to add, overwrite, remove, or rename fields in your log data.

Modify Records with FILTER

Fluent Bit's FILTER section provides powerful capabilities to modify log records. You can add, overwrite, remove, or rename fields, and even use environment variables and conditional actions to customize your log data.

Basic Operations of the Modify Filter

The Modify filter allows you to make straightforward changes to your log records. Here are some common operations:

Add a Field

To add a new field to each log record:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Add         hostname  myserver

Overwrite a Field

To overwrite the value of an existing field:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Set         log_level  info

Remove a Field

To remove a specific field from the log records:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Remove      unwanted_field

Rename a Field

To rename a field:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Rename      old_field_name  new_field_name

Using Environment Variables and Conditional Actions

You can use environment variables within the Modify filter to dynamically set field values. For example:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Add         environment  ${ENVIRONMENT}

Additionally, conditional actions allow you to apply modifications only when certain conditions are met. For example:

    Name        modify
    Match       *
    Condition   Key_value_equals  log_level  error
    Add         alert  true

In the next section, we’ll explore routing and multiple outputs, discussing the importance of using the Tag and Match properties to direct log records to different destinations for further processing.

Routing and Multiple Outputs

Routing records effectively using the Tag and Match properties is crucial in Fluent Bit. These properties allow you to direct logs to different destinations based on your specific requirements. Configuring multiple outputs ensures that your log data is processed and stored efficiently, meeting various operational and analytical needs.

Importance of Routing Records Using Tag and Match Properties

The Tag property helps label incoming records, which can be used to route them to appropriate destinations. The Match property, on the other hand, specifies which records should be processed by a particular output based on their tags.

Example of Tagging Logs

Assigning a tag to incoming logs:

    Name        tail
    Path        /var/log/app/*.log
    Tag         app_logs

Example of Matching Tags to Outputs

Routing logs based on their tags:

    Name        es
    Match       app_logs
    Host        es-host
   Port        9200
    Index       app_index

This configuration sends logs tagged as app_logs to an Elasticsearch instance for indexing.

Configuring Multiple Outputs for Different Data Processing

Fluent Bit allows you to define multiple output destinations, enabling you to route logs to various services for diverse processing needs. For instance, you might want to send logs to both Elasticsearch for indexing and OpenObserve for advanced analytics.

Example Configuration for Multiple Outputs

    Name        es
    Match       app_logs
    Host        es-host
   Port        9200
    Index       app_index

    Name        http
    Match       app_logs
    Host        openobserve-host
   Port        443
    URI         /api/logs
    tls         On
    tls.verify  Off

In this example, the logs are routed to both Elasticsearch and OpenObserve. This ensures that logs are available for search and indexing in Elasticsearch while leveraging OpenObserve for real-time analytics and visualization.

Enhance Your Log Management with OpenObserve

Integrating Fluent Bit with OpenObserve enhances your log management capabilities significantly. OpenObserve offers robust data visualization, real-time analytics, and comprehensive log aggregation, making it a powerful addition to your log processing pipeline.

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Ready to take your log management to the next level? Sign up for a free trial of OpenObserve on our website.

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Book a Demo

Want to see OpenObserve in action? Book a demo to learn how OpenObserve can complement your Fluent Bit configuration.

In the next section, we’ll delve into using Nest and Lift operations for adjusting log content format, discussing their configurations and limitations.

Nest and Lift

Adjusting the format of your log content is essential for ensuring that your data is structured in a way that suits your processing needs. Fluent Bit provides powerful tools for this through the Nest and Lift filters. These operations allow you to restructure your log data, making it more manageable and easier to analyze.

Configuration for Log Content Format Adjustment Using Nest and Lift Operations

Nest Operation

The Nest filter groups multiple log fields into a single field. This is useful when you want to consolidate related data into a nested structure.

Example Configuration for Nest Operation

    Name                nest
    Match               *
    Operation           nest
    Wildcard            instance_*
    Nest_under          instance

In this example, any fields that start with instance_ are nested under a single instance field. This helps in organizing the data and reducing clutter.

Lift Operation

The Lift filter, on the other hand, can be used to flatten nested structures, bringing specific fields to the top level of the log record.

Example Configuration for Lift Operation

    Name                nest
    Match               *
    Operation           lift
    Nested_under        instance
    Add\_prefix          instance\_

Here, fields nested under instance are lifted to the top level with a prefix instance_. This is useful when you need to access nested data more directly.

Limitations and Workarounds for Complex Nesting and Lifting Scenarios

While Nest and Lift are powerful, they have limitations. Complex nesting scenarios might require more intricate configurations or multiple filtering steps.

Workaround Example

For more complex data restructuring, you might need to use multiple filters sequentially:

    Name                nest
    Match               *
    Operation           nest
    Wildcard            app_*
    Nest_under          application

    Name                nest
    Match               *
    Operation           lift
    Nested_under        application
    Add\_prefix          app\_

In this setup, the first filter nests fields under application, and the second filter lifts them back to the top level with a specific prefix, allowing for more controlled data manipulation.

In the next section, we’ll explore the flexibility offered by embedded filters using Lua scripting, discussing their structure and integration into Fluent Bit configurations.

Lua Scripting

Fluent Bit's flexibility is significantly enhanced by its ability to integrate Lua scripting. Lua scripts allow you to perform custom transformations on your log data that go beyond the built-in filters, enabling highly tailored log processing.

Flexibility Offered by Embedded Filters Using Lua Scripting

Lua scripting in Fluent Bit provides a powerful way to manipulate log records. You can embed Lua scripts directly into your Fluent Bit configuration, allowing for dynamic and complex data transformations. This is particularly useful for custom parsing, enrichment, or filtering that standard Fluent Bit filters cannot handle.

Structure of a Lua Script and Its Integration into Fluent Bit Configuration

Creating a Lua Script

A Lua script for Fluent Bit typically defines a function that processes log records. Here's a simple example of a Lua script that adds a new field to each log record:

Example Lua Script (add_field.lua)

function add_field(tag, timestamp, record)
    record["new_field"] = "new_value"
    return 1, timestamp, record

Integrating Lua Script into Fluent Bit Configuration

To use this script in your Fluent Bit configuration, you need to load the Lua filter and specify the script file and function name.

Example Configuration

    Name                lua
    Match               *
    script              /path/to/add_field.lua
    call                add_field

In this configuration, the lua filter loads the add_field.lua script and calls the add_field function for each log record.

Advises on Keeping Lua Transformations Minimal to Avoid Performance Issues

While Lua scripts offer powerful customization options, they can also introduce performance overhead if not used carefully. Here are some tips to optimize Lua script usage in Fluent Bit:

  • Minimize Complexity: Keep your Lua scripts as simple as possible. Complex logic can slow down processing.
  • Avoid Excessive Calls: Try to minimize the number of times a script is called. Combine multiple transformations into a single script if feasible.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of Fluent Bit when using Lua scripts to ensure they are not negatively impacting overall processing speed.

Final Thoughts

Fluent Bit is an essential tool for efficient log processing and forwarding in modern IT environments. By leveraging its powerful features—such as flexible configuration, real-time data processing, and advanced filtering—you can ensure optimal log management and monitoring.

However, to truly maximize the value of your log data, integrating Fluent Bit with OpenObserve can take your observability to the next level. OpenObserve's capabilities in real-time data ingestion, advanced visualization, unified log aggregation, and comprehensive analytics provide a robust solution that complements Fluent Bit perfectly. This integration not only enhances your monitoring and troubleshooting efforts but also ensures you maintain high system performance and reliability.

Ready to enhance your log processing setup with OpenObserve? Sign up for a free trial on our website, explore our GitHub repository, or book a demo to see OpenObserve in action. By combining Fluent Bit with OpenObserve, you can unlock deeper insights and achieve seamless, efficient log management.




The OpenObserve Team comprises dedicated professionals committed to revolutionizing system observability through their innovative platform, OpenObserve. Dedicated to streamlining data observation and system monitoring, offering high performance and cost-effective solutions for diverse use cases.

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