Tag: openobserve

Sending Pino Logs to OpenObserve: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to send Pino logs to OpenObserve using the @openobserve/pino-openobserve npm library. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions, including setting up the project, configuring OpenObserve integration, and observing logs in OpenObserve.

Kirtan Thakkar

February 11, 2024
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How to stream NodeJS application logs to OpenObserve!

Sending logs from NodeJS application to OpenObserve using Pino is easy. This blog is a step by step guide to do that.

Setup Fluent Bit on Ubuntu for Efficient Log Forwarding

Setup Fluent Bit on Ubuntu for Efficient Log Forwarding

Harnessing the Power of FluentBit to Stream Kubernetes Logs to OpenObserve!

Sending logs from Kubernetes to OpenObserve using FluentBit is easy. This blog is a step by step guide to do that.

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