
Understanding Traces and Spans in Distributed Tracing

September 30, 2024 by OpenObserve Team
trace spans

Knowing what’s happening under the hood is crucial for running a microservices architecture. This is where trace spans come in. Distributed tracing helps you track every request as it travels across different services, giving you the end-to-end visibility necessary to maintain performance and stability. 

Traces and spans are at the heart of this process, two fundamental components that allow you to break down, visualize, and analyze these journeys.

Traces represent the entire lifecycle of a request, while spans are the individual segments that detail what happens at each step. Together, they form a comprehensive map of your system’s behavior, letting you pinpoint issues, debug more efficiently, and improve overall system performance.

To utilize the full potential of this mapping, it’s important to dive deeper into the concept of trace spans.In this blog, we’ll explore the nuts and bolts of trace spans, why they matter in distributed tracing, and how you can use them effectively to gain deeper insights into your system’s health and performance. 

Traces in Distributed Tracing

In distributed tracing, a trace records an entire transaction through various services and systems. It’s a powerful way to track requests, understand system behavior, and diagnose performance issues in a distributed environment.

Role of Traces in Monitoring and Debugging

Traces offer a comprehensive view of how requests flow through different microservices. They allow you to detect latency, bottlenecks, or errors across a distributed system, making them essential for monitoring and debugging. 

For example, when a request is slow or fails, the trace helps identify which service or part of the architecture is responsible.

Structure of a Trace

A trace comprises multiple spans—individual units representing a specific operation within a service. Each trace follows a hierarchy, with the root span initiating it and subsequent spans representing downstream services. 

Together, they offer a step-by-step breakdown of the transaction's journey across your system.

Trace Visualization Examples

Trace visualizations are crucial for making sense of the large volume of distributed tracing data. Tools like Jaeger and Zipkin offer graphical interfaces that allow you to map and explore traces visually, providing valuable insights for root cause analysis. 

Although OpenObserve focuses more on metrics and logs, it can be part of your observability stack. Alongside tracing tools, it helps visualize the overall system's health and performance. Sign up now to get started!

Importance of Context Propagation in Traces

Context propagation ensures that trace data is passed seamlessly across all the services involved in a transaction. Without proper context propagation, tracing would be fragmented, making it impossible to reconstruct the entire flow. Maintaining context throughout the trace is critical to fully understanding system performance.

Next, let’s dive into spans, the building blocks of traces, and how they function in distributed tracing.

Read more on Navigating Observability: Logs, Metrics, and Traces Explained

Spans in Distributed Tracing

A span is the core building block in distributed tracing, representing a single unit of work within a system. 

While a trace captures the complete journey of a request, a span provides granular insights into each step that request takes within individual services.

Parent-Child Relationship in Spans

Spans often form a parent-child hierarchy. The root span starts the trace, typically representing the first service that processes a request. As the request travels through different services, each generates a child span, creating a hierarchical transaction map. This hierarchy makes it easier to pinpoint bottlenecks or failures by showing which specific service or operation in the flow is responsible.

Role of Spans in Identifying Issues

Spans are particularly effective in diagnosing performance issues or failures in a distributed system. They allow you to break down a complex request into smaller steps, making it easier to isolate which part of the transaction is causing slowdowns or errors. 

For example, if a request takes significantly longer than expected, inspecting individual spans can reveal whether the delay is due to a slow database query, a network issue, or a particular microservice.

Difference Between Traces and Spans

The primary distinction between a trace and a span lies in their scope and purpose within distributed tracing. 

A trace represents the complete end-to-end journey of a request as it traverses through various services, APIs, and systems, capturing every aspect of the transaction from start to finish. It provides a comprehensive view of how a request flows through your infrastructure, connecting all the interactions between different components.

On the other hand, a span is a more granular unit within this larger trace. Each span represents a single operation or service during the overall transaction. Spans capture details about a specific function, database query, or request made to an external service. They include metadata like timestamps, status codes, and other critical information that helps identify bottlenecks or performance issues within that particular operation.

To visualize it, think of a trace as the complete journey or route a package takes from its origin to its destination. Each span is one of the stops along the way, whether it’s the package arriving at a sorting facility, being loaded onto a truck, or delivered to its final destination. While the trace provides the full journey, the spans focus on the critical events and checkpoints that occur during that trip.

In the next section, we’ll explore the critical components of a span, including span attributes, events, and links, to better understand their role in distributed tracing.

Components of a Span

In distributed tracing, a span is not just a simple representation of a request's activity; it contains multiple components that provide rich insights into system behavior. 

Let’s explore the key elements that make up a span.

1. Span Attributes

Span attributes are key-value pairs that provide additional context about a span's operation. These could include details like the URL of an HTTP request, the database query being executed, or even custom attributes your application generates. Attributes allow developers to capture metadata relevant to the trace, making diagnosing issues or optimizing performance easier.

Example attributes might include:

  • http.method: The HTTP method used (e.g., GET, POST).
  • db.statement: The database query executed.
  • The name of the service handling the span.

2. Span Events

Events are time-stamped occurrences within a span that represent discrete actions or points of interest, such as errors or checkpoints in a process. These events can help pinpoint where issues occur, such as a delay in response or a system failure, allowing more granular analysis within a span’s lifecycle.

For example, an event could represent an error in a database query or the successful sending of a message in a messaging queue.

Span links connect spans that are not directly in the parent-child hierarchy but are related. This is especially useful in asynchronous systems where different spans might belong to different traces but must be correlated. Span links ensure that even non-linear workflows are tracked, providing a complete picture of a system's distributed architecture.

For example, in a microservice architecture, a service receiving a request may create a new span but link it back to the original caller's span, even if they aren’t directly connected.

4. Metadata in Spans

Metadata in spans enhances observability by providing critical details like:

  • Timestamp: Captures when the span started and ended, allowing precise calculation of operation duration.
  • Identifiers: The span and trace IDs link spans together, ensuring that every step in the request lifecycle is traceable.
  • Resource Information: Which service or infrastructure component is responsible for executing the span?

Analyzing metadata helps you understand when, where, and how different parts of your distributed system behave.

5. Status and Kind of Spans

Status and kind of spans ensure that spans provide a comprehensive view of each operation in a distributed system, helping identify and fix performance issues.

  • Status: A span includes a status code that signifies whether the operation was successful or resulted in an error. By tracking this, you can quickly identify which spans (and, by extension, which operations) are failing.
  • Kind: Depending on their role within a trace, spans can be categorized as clients, servers, producers, or consumers. This categorization helps understand the context of a span, whether it represents an external API call (Client) or a background job (Producer).

6. Span Context

The span context holds crucial metadata that helps establish the relationships between spans within a trace. Each span context typically includes:

  • Start and End Time: These timestamps record the duration of an operation, helping in performance analysis.
  • Span ID: A unique identifier for the span itself.
  • Parent ID: The identifier of the parent span, which is used to maintain the hierarchical structure of the trace, allowing you to see how spans are related.
  • Trace ID: A global identifier that ties multiple spans together into a single trace.

The span context plays a vital role in making spans traceable and easily identifiable across distributed services, ensuring that operations are properly linked and analyzed within the larger trace.

Next, we’ll dive deeper into a detailed example of how spans work in practice.

Practical Implementation of Traces and Spans

Understanding how to create, analyze, and use traces and spans effectively is critical when working with distributed tracing. 

This section will streamline the process of implementing spans and traces, walking through examples and real-world applications to ensure efficient tracing in distributed systems.

Example: Spans in Action

To visualize spans and their hierarchy, let’s explore an example involving a hypothetical service called "hello." The service might create several spans during its lifecycle:

  • hello Span: Represents the top-level span for the "hello" service, which might handle a request.
  • hello-greetings Span: A child span that tracks the "greetings" function within the service, representing a more specific activity.
  • hello-salutations Span: Another child span that could represent the "salutations" function. This span might run concurrently with or follow the "greetings" span, showing how spans track multiple processes within a trace.

This hierarchy of spans helps developers understand how each function is performed and where potential issues might arise in a distributed system.

Utilizing Spans in Practice

Once you’ve defined spans in your system, the next step is to use them for practical observability and monitoring.

The first step is setting up the tracer provider. This initialization process allows your system to start capturing and exporting trace spans. By configuring a tracer provider, such as OpenTelemetry, developers can ensure that each request is traced efficiently and connected back to the parent trace for a complete view.

Spans must be created programmatically at critical points in your application, such as when an API call is made or a database query is executed. Each span will have associated attributes like start and end time, allowing the system to log these operations for future analysis. Tools like OpenTelemetry simplify this process by providing a standardized way to create and export spans to your monitoring tool.

Once your spans are created and exported, they must be analyzed to deliver actionable insights. While many tracing platforms focus on visualizing traces, you can complement this with OpenObserve for better observability. OpenObserve doesn’t primarily handle tracing but provides robust log management and metric analysis, making it an ideal complement for identifying performance issues across your entire system.

Managing the volume of traces in large systems can be overwhelming, so trace sampling is essential. By sampling traces, you capture only a subset of trace data, reducing overhead while providing sufficient information for analysis. This strategy ensures efficient use of resources without sacrificing observability.

Streamlined Approach to Traces and Spans

Understanding trace spans helps improve visibility across distributed systems, offering a detailed view of application performance and potential bottlenecks. By utilizing spans in a structured way, along with complementary tools like OpenObserve, teams can ensure they maintain end-to-end observability while keeping data manageable. Explore more about how OpenObserve can enhance your observability strategies—visit our website to learn more!

This approach effectively utilizes traces and spans, making monitoring processes more efficient without overloading your system with unnecessary data.

Benefits of Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing significantly enhances modern, complex systems by offering comprehensive insights that other monitoring methods often miss. 

Here are some of the primary benefits it provides.

1. End-to-End System Visibility

Distributed tracing enables you to track a request's journey as it moves through various microservices, providing complete visibility into the system. However, true observability requires more than just tracing; logs and metrics play a critical role in understanding system behavior.

OpenObserve can be a powerful tool for enhancing this visibility by managing and analyzing logs and metrics. For example, with distributed tracing tools, OpenObserve helps organizations achieve end-to-end visibility by storing and analyzing logs and metrics for better context during issue resolution. 

2. Identification of Performance Bottlenecks

Tracing can highlight which parts of your system are slow or failing, but it’s essential to have tools in place to monitor and analyze this data over time. Distributed tracing can pinpoint the exact location of performance bottlenecks—a slow API call, a database query, or network latency—allowing for quicker identification and resolution.

3. Enhanced Debugging and Fast Issue Resolution

Distributed tracing aids in debugging by offering a detailed view of how each service in your infrastructure interacts with one another. It makes it easier to locate the source of issues, even in a large and complex distributed system. When combined with log and metric analysis tools like OpenObserve, debugging becomes even faster, as developers can cross-reference logs, metrics, and traces in real time.

4. Improved Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR)

One of the most significant advantages of distributed tracing is its ability to reduce the Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR). By providing a granular view of each request and its lifecycle, teams can quickly identify and resolve issues, thus minimizing downtime. 

OpenObserve’s efficient data storage and real-time analytics also ensure that historical data is readily accessible for more profound analysis when needed, further speeding up resolution times.

By combining distributed tracing with a robust observability platform like OpenObserve, organizations can not only monitor their system's health but also act more swiftly and efficiently on insights.

Getting Started with Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing is essential for gaining visibility into complex, microservice-based architectures. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started, covering key concepts and best practices.

1. Implementation Steps

To implement distributed tracing, you must start by instrumenting your application code to generate trace data. The first step involves selecting a tracing framework or library compatible with your tech stack. You can then embed trace instrumentation in your application’s services by creating spans for significant operations and propagating context between services.


  • Instrument your code with tracing libraries (e.g., OpenTelemetry or Jaeger).
  • Define trace and span boundaries in your application logic.
  • Ensure context propagation between services so trace continuity is maintained across the stack.

2. Tools and Frameworks: OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry has become the standard framework for collecting traces, metrics, and logs. It provides APIs and libraries for various programming languages to integrate tracing into your system with minimal effort. It is particularly effective for complex applications because it supports different backends, making it versatile for various use cases.

When implementing distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry, OpenObserve becomes an invaluable tool for managing the long-term storage of metrics and logs. While OpenTelemetry handles the collection of telemetry data, OpenObserve can provide a centralized platform to store, visualize, and analyze those traces, ensuring end-to-end observability of your systems.

Get started with OpenObserve today! Sign up here or visit our website to explore all the features. 

Integrating OpenObserve with OpenTelemetry allows for robust metric storage and log analysis, complementing the trace data collected through OpenTelemetry. Together, they provide comprehensive insights into system performance.

3. Creating Spans Using OpenTelemetry in Java

If you're using Java with OpenTelemetry, creating and managing spans is straightforward. A span represents a unit of work within a trace and contains metadata like start time, end time, and other valuable attributes. Here's how to create a primary span in Java:

import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer;
import io.opentelemetry.api.GlobalOpenTelemetry;

Tracer tracer = GlobalOpenTelemetry.getTracer("exampleTracer");

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("spanName").startSpan();

try {
    // Span logic here, such as database calls or external requests
} finally {

By creating spans for important operations within your code, you can trace and track the lifecycle of various requests or actions in your system.

4. Best Practices in Span Creation and Context Propagation

To maximize the benefits of distributed tracing, follow these best practices.

  • Define clear span boundaries: Ensure spans are created for meaningful operations to avoid noisy traces.
  • Minimize span size: Keep spans lightweight by including only essential information in the metadata.
  • Context propagation: Ensure that context is propagated across services so that traces are complete and accurate. This is critical in microservice architectures where requests may traverse multiple services.

Incorporating distributed tracing into your infrastructure enhances visibility into system performance and significantly improves debugging and issue resolution. Combining this with a platform like OpenObserve ensures you can store, analyze, and act on this data effectively, providing an all-encompassing solution for observability.

Read more about Understanding the Basics of Distributed Tracing


Understanding trace spans is crucial for enhancing system visibility, performance monitoring, and debugging in distributed environments. By implementing distributed tracing practices, teams can identify bottlenecks, reduce Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR), and improve overall system health. 

Pairing your tracing solution with a platform like OpenObserve ensures comprehensive observability by effectively managing logs, metrics, and traces. With OpenObserve, you can enhance trace analysis, centralize telemetry data, and store information long-term for deep insights into your system’s behavior.

Get started today by exploring OpenObserve - sign up here, or check out our GitHub to discover more!



The OpenObserve Team comprises dedicated professionals committed to revolutionizing system observability through their innovative platform, OpenObserve. Dedicated to streamlining data observation and system monitoring, offering high performance and cost-effective solutions for diverse use cases.

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