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You can ingest Logs/Metrics using one of the below tools or something similar. Check sample configuration on how to use these tools by following the links.

  1. Vector
  2. Filebeat
  3. Fluent-bit
  4. Fluentd
  5. Amazon Kinesis Firehose

Logs can also be ingested into Zinc Cloud / ZincObserve through one of the 3 HTTP APIs.

  1. _json
  2. _multi
  3. _bulk

You can call the above APIs directly in your code to ingest data.

Here are 2 examples on how you can do it programmatically:

  1. Go
  2. Python

You can also use curl command to ingest logs:

  1. curl

To ingest metrics data you will need to use the prometheus remote write endpoint.

  1. Prometheus remote write