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Endpoint: POST /api/{organization}/_search


    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream} WHERE [condition]",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 0
    "search_type": "ui",
    "timeout": 0


Field name Data type Default value Description
query object - query params
query.sql string - use SQL query data, and filter data by start_time and end_time, and default order by _timestamp, you can use order by override order, and fetch offset limit by form and size
query.start_time int64 0 unit: microseconds, filter data by time range, you need always provide this value
query.end_time int64 0 unit: microseconds, filter data by time range, you need always provide this value
query.from int64 0 offset in SQL
query.size int64 0 limit in SQL
search_type string - default is empty, support: ui, dashboards, reports, alerts
timeout int 0 default value based on ZO_QUERY_TIMEOUT=600


    "took": 155,
    "hits": [
            "_p": "F",
            "_timestamp": 1674213225158000,
            "kubernetes": {
                "annotations": {
                    "kubernetes": {
                        "io/psp": "eks.privileged"
                "container_hash": "",
                "container_image": "",
                "container_name": "ziox",
                "docker_id": "eb0983bdb9ff9360d227e6a0b268fe3b24a0868c2c2d725a1516c11e88bf5789",
                "host": "",
                "labels": {
                    "app": "ziox",
                    "controller-revision-hash": "ziox-ingester-579b7767cf",
                    "name": "ziox-ingester",
                    "role": "ingester",
                    "statefulset": {
                        "kubernetes": {
                            "io/pod-name": "ziox-ingester-0"
                "namespace_name": "ziox",
                "pod_id": "35a0421f-9203-4d73-9663-9ff0ce26d409",
                "pod_name": "ziox-ingester-0"
            "log": "[2023-01-20T11:13:45Z INFO  actix_web::middleware::logger] \"POST /api/demo/_bulk HTTP/1.1\" 200 68 \"-\" \"go-resty/2.7.0 (\" 0.001074",
            "stream": "stderr"
    "total": 27179431,
    "from": 0,
    "size": 1,
    "scan_size": 28943

Response description:


Field name Data type Default value Description
took int64 - unit: milliseconds, query execute time
from int64 0 value from query.from
size int64 0 value from query.size
scan_size int64 0 unit: MB, it response the data size scale when execute the query.
hits array - records for query, each record is a log row what you ingested.

SQL Syntax

Please refer to PostgreSQL for SQL Syntax.

Something need highlighted:

  • We have a build-in time field, _timestamp you can use it to do time range filter.
  • Field name can not start with @.
  • Field name can use double quote or without quote.
  • Field integer value without quote.
  • Field string value must use single quote.


  • For now, we don't support union, join in SQL, we supported only one table for query.
  • You should give a time range for each query or it will scan all data, it is a very expensive operate.


Here list some common examples, if you want more example please create a issue tell us, we will add it.

Query latest 10 record logs with histogram aggregation

    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream}",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10

Query latest 10 record logs

    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream}",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10

Query latest 10 record logs with filter

    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream} WHERE kubernetes.namespace_name='default' AND code=200 ",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10

Full text query

    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream} WHERE match_all('err') ",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10

Match on a filed (log)

    "query": {
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM {stream} WHERE str_match(log, 'err') ",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10

Histogram aggregation (full mode)

    "query": {
       "sql": "SELECT histogram(_timestamp, '5 minute') AS key, COUNT(*) AS num FROM {stream} GROUP BY key ORDER BY key LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000

Term aggregation (full mode)

    "query": {
       "sql": "SELECT kubernetes.namespace_name AS namespace, COUNT(*) AS num FROM {stream} GROUP BY namespace ORDER BY namespace",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000

Use custom functions

    "query": {
       "sql": "SELECT *, my_func(log) as mykey FROM {stream}",
        "start_time": 1674789786006000,
        "end_time": 1674789786006000,
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10