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What are functions?

Functions in OpenObserve are defined using Vector Remap Language (VRL) and can be used during ingestion or query to aid advanced capabilities like enrichment, redaction, log reduction, compliance, etc.

There are also inbuilt query functions like match_all, match_all_raw and match_all_raw_ignore_case etc which can be used for full text search based on user's settings for stream or default settings. Please refer SQL functions reference for complete list of inbuilt functions.

To navigate to functions in OpenObserve, select preferred organization using organization selection control, then click on Pipelines > Functions menu, which will take you to functions list screen. This screen lists all the functions for selected organization.


List screen details:

  • Search in listed functions
  • Create new function
  • Name of existing function
  • Action — update or delete function

There are two ways to use function during query:

  • Function with row as input
  • Function with specified input columns/fields

To use functions during data ingestion please refer section :Stream Association

Function with row as input

On logs search page, you can select existing function or write new function using vrl function editor to apply function on row. The returned results will be based on function being applied.

Please note that functions on rows can be used to experiment with result of function application on a specific stream , however applying functions at query time is costly operation .Hence if applicable, after exploration and desired outcome of function during query time , we encourage users to apply such function at ingest time by associating function with stream.


Function with specified input columns/fields

These are like sql functions, which are defined by user and act on specified input columns/fields.


Let's try a function on logs page to parse vpc flow logs ,mentioned below is sample vpc flow log record in OpenObserve.

  "_timestamp": 1683089619868496,
  "message": "2 058694856476 eni-03c0f5ba79a66ef17 443 53672 6 49 12973 1680838556 1680838578 ACCEPT OK"
Create a vrl function which retains the _timestamp field from original record and parses message field to multiple fields like account_id, action etc:

ts = ._timestamp  # store value of _timestamp in ts
. = parse_aws_vpc_flow_log!(.message) # assign value of object resulting from parse_aws_vpc_flow_log to current record
._timestamp = ts #set value of _timestamp from ts
. # return record

The function outputs the record below:

  "_timestamp": 1683097426943815,
  "account_id": 58694856476,
  "action": "ACCEPT",
  "bytes": 12973,
  "dstaddr": "",
  "dstport": 53672,
  "end": 1680838578,
  "interface_id": "eni-03c0f5ba79a66ef17",
  "log_status": "OK",
  "packets": 49,
  "protocol": 6,
  "srcaddr": "",
  "srcport": 443,
  "start": 1680838556,
  "version": 2

The function can be saved using save button on top of vrl function editor, additional one can select existing function to try.

The same function can be associated with a stream to get applied at ingestion.