
Prometheus Count Basics

October 1, 2024 by OpenObserve Team
prometheus count

Counting metrics becomes one of the most fundamental tasks when working with Prometheus — especially when you need to grasp the distribution and occurrence of specific labels within your data.

Whether you're tracking user activity, monitoring system performance, or analyzing application behavior, understanding how Prometheus counts unique label values is essential. You can make data-driven decisions and optimize your infrastructure effectively with this knowledge.

In this guide, we'll break down the essentials of using Prometheus count functions. From basic queries that count unique label values to advanced techniques that handle intervals and non-zero metrics, we'll cover the tools and methods you need to master Prometheus counting. 

While we delve into these topics, we'll also discuss how integrating Prometheus with OpenObserve can enhance your monitoring setup, especially for long-term storage and advanced visualization. 

Basic Count Queries

Counting metrics efficiently is key to understanding your data's structure when working with Prometheus. The most common use case involves counting unique label values associated with a particular metric. 

This is where the Prometheus query language (PromQL) comes into play, enabling you to quantify occurrences based on label values.

Let’s dive into a basic example. 

Suppose you have a metric called hello_info with labels ‘a’ and ‘b’

You want to count the number of unique ‘a’ values across your data. 

The Prometheus query for this would look like:

count(count by (a) (hello_info))

This query first groups the hello_info metric by the ‘a’ label, and then counts the number of distinct ‘a’ values. 

Think of it like an SQL COUNT DISTINCT operation, but within the Prometheus environment. 

It’s an efficient way to get a quick snapshot of how many unique instances exist for a particular label.

In more complex scenarios, you might want to count unique combinations of labels. 

For example, to count unique pairs of a and b, you would modify the query to:

count(count by (a, b) (hello_info))

This query will count the number of unique (a, b) pairs, giving you insight into the distribution and co-occurrence of these labels.

Any Prometheus user must understand and effectively use these basic count queries. It allows you to create more meaningful metrics and dashboards, particularly when integrated with visualization tools like OpenObserve, which can store and visualize this data over time.

Let's shift gears and dive into the intricacies of counting metrics over specified intervals to refine your ability to analyze data.

Read more on Exploring Prometheus Metrics Types.

Advanced Counting with Intervals

Understanding how to count metrics over specific time intervals is crucial for in-depth analysis. 

The last_over_time() function is particularly useful for capturing the last value of a metric within a defined interval. 

This function allows you to analyze how your metrics change over time, providing insights into trends and anomalies.

Example: Custom Intervals with last_over_time()

To count the unique label values over a 1-day interval, you can use a query like this:


This query counts the last recorded value of your_metric within the past day. 

Adjusting the interval allows you to tailor your analysis to specific periods, whether you're interested in daily, weekly, or even hourly metrics.

Extending Prometheus with OpenObserve

While Prometheus excels at real-time monitoring, it has limited capabilities for long-term storage and historical analysis. You can address this gap by running Prometheus in agent mode and combining it with OpenObserve.

By sending your metrics data to OpenObserve, you can store, visualize, and analyze your data over extended periods, enabling more comprehensive insights and trend analysis.

Running Prometheus in agent mode focuses its resources on scraping and forwarding metrics while unloading storage and querying to OpenObserve. 

This approach preserves the performance of your Prometheus setup and enhances your ability to make data-driven decisions by utilizing historical data. Explore more on our website or dive into our GitHub repository for detailed insights and resources.

Next, we’ll explore the techniques for counting distinct non-zero metrics to refine your data analysis even further.

Read more on Prometheus vs. Grafana: In-Depth Comparison & Differences

Counting Distinct Non-Zero Metrics

It's often essential to identify and count distinct non-zero occurrences within your data using the Prometheus count functionality. 

This approach is particularly beneficial for tracking metrics that appear infrequently or under specific conditions, such as error rates or sudden traffic spikes.

The delta() function in Prometheus allows you to calculate the difference between the values of a metric over a specified time interval. 

By combining delta() with count by (label), you can efficiently count distinct non-zero metrics:

count by (label)(delta(your_metric\[interval]) > 0) OR on() vector(0)

This query calculates the change in your_metric over the defined interval and then it counts the number of distinct label values where this change is greater than zero.

The OR on() vector(0) ensures that even if no change occurs, the metric is still evaluated.

For instance, if you're monitoring error logs, this query helps you count how many distinct labels (like error types) have had non-zero occurrences within the interval.

Enhancing Analysis with OpenObserve

While the Prometheus count function effectively manages real-time metrics, you can significantly expand your analytical capabilities by integrating it with OpenObserve.

By running Prometheus in agent mode and sending data to OpenObserve, you can store long-term data, create custom dashboards, and perform in-depth historical analysis. This setup ensures that your monitoring infrastructure is not only real-time but also capable of deep insights over extended periods.

Next, we’ll delve into how to count time series within Prometheus, expanding your toolkit for comprehensive metric analysis.

Read more on Send Kubernetes Metrics Using Prometheus to OpenObserve

Counting Time Series

Time series represent the unique sets of label-value combinations for each metric, and knowing how to count them can provide insights into the complexity and volume of your data.

Determining the Number of Time Series Using Prometheus Metrics

To determine the number of active time series in Prometheus, you can use specific metrics and queries. 

A common approach is to query the prometheus_tsdb_head_series metric, which indicates the number of time series currently in memory:


This simple query returns a count of all active time series within Prometheus's head block, giving you a snapshot of the data being actively monitored.

Using count({\_\_name\_\_=~'.+'})

Another method to count time series involves the count({\_\_name\_\_=~'.+'}) query. This query counts all time series across all metrics, providing a comprehensive view of your dataset:


This query is particularly useful when you want to get an overview of the total number of time series across all metrics in your system.

Alternative Methods

In addition to these queries, you can explore the storage path of Prometheus to analyze time series data directly from the disk. 

However, this approach is more complex and typically used for in-depth troubleshooting.

Another option is to use the Prometheus UI, which provides a visual representation of time series data, including the ability to explore individual time series metrics and their labels. 

While functional, the Prometheus UI can be limited in customization and depth of analysis.

Enhancing Time Series Analysis with OpenObserve

For more advanced time series analysis, integrating Prometheus with OpenObserve can significantly enhance your monitoring capabilities. 

To start, Prometheus can be configured to run in agent mode, focusing on data collection and sending metrics to OpenObserve for long-term storage and visualization. This setup ensures that your time series data is preserved beyond Prometheus's short retention window, allowing for detailed historical analysis.

Here’s a basic configuration example for setting up Prometheus to send data to OpenObserve:

  scrape_interval: 15s

  - job_name: 'prometheus'
      - targets: \['localhost:9090']

  - url: "http://openobserve-instance/api/prom/push"
      capacity: 10000
      max_shards: 200
      min_shards: 1

Setting Up OpenObserve for Prometheus Data

  1. Prometheus Configuration:
    • In the remote_write section of your Prometheus config, specify the URL where OpenObserve is running. This allows Prometheus to push its metrics to OpenObserve.
    • Use basic authentication to secure the data transmission.
  2. OpenObserve Setup:
    • Ensure that OpenObserve is configured to accept Prometheus data. This typically involves setting up an appropriate endpoint that can receive the time series data being pushed by Prometheus.
  3. Visualizing Data:
    • Once data is flowing from Prometheus to OpenObserve, you can use OpenObserve’s dashboards to create custom visualizations. OpenObserve provides built-in analytics that can be customized to your needs.

  range: 1h
  interval: 1m
  instant: false

This configuration allows you to handle and visualize time series data more effectively, giving you a comprehensive view of your system's performance over time. 

OpenObserve’s powerful visualization tools help you track metrics across different intervals, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on historical data.

Explore more on our website or dive into our GitHub repository for detailed insights and resources.

Check the below 2 minute video to see how easy it is to build dashboards in OpenObserve.

Read more on OpenObserve Vs Grafana


Understanding the basics of Prometheus count functions is crucial for anyone looking to gain insights from their metrics data. 

You can significantly enhance your monitoring and observability efforts by mastering how to count unique label values, analyze distinct non-zero metrics, and manage time series. 

You can further elevate your capabilities by integrating Prometheus with tools like OpenObserve, offering advanced visualization and long-term data storage that Prometheus alone cannot provide.

If you're ready to elevate your observability strategy, consider trying out OpenObserve, sign up today to explore its full potential.

To learn more, visit our website or check out our GitHub repository to explore resources and become part of the community.



The OpenObserve Team comprises dedicated professionals committed to revolutionizing system observability through their innovative platform, OpenObserve. Dedicated to streamlining data observation and system monitoring, offering high performance and cost-effective solutions for diverse use cases.

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