
Building a Real-Time Monitoring System and Data Visualization: A Walkthrough

September 30, 2024 by OpenObserve Team
real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring is your lifeline in a world where milliseconds can make or break your system’s performance. Whether managing cloud infrastructure or overseeing a microservices architecture, having an instant pulse on your system’s health isn’t just important—it’s crucial for survival. Without it, you’re blind to bottlenecks, security threats, and inefficiencies that can escalate fast.

This guide will take you through the step-by-step process of building a robust real-time monitoring system paired with data visualization that delivers actionable insights. From tracking CPU spikes to identifying data pipeline delays, you’ll discover the best practices and tools to keep your systems running smoothly—and most importantly, in real-time.

Let’s get started by breaking down the core components of real-time monitoring and why it’s the backbone of high-performing systems today.

Understanding Real-Time Monitoring and Data Visualization

Real-time monitoring involves continuously tracking system performance and activity as it happens, allowing you to identify and resolve issues immediately. This proactive approach ensures that potential problems are addressed before they impact users, leading to improved system reliability and efficiency.

Whether it's server performance, application behavior, or network health, real-time monitoring gives you instant insights into the state of your systems, allowing you to act quickly and effectively.

At its core, real-time monitoring is all about low latency and up-to-date data. With the right system in place, you can immediately spot performance bottlenecks, security breaches, or unexpected errors, giving you a clear picture of what’s happening across your entire infrastructure. Couple that with data visualization, and you not only see the issues but also gain a clear understanding of them at a glance.

To truly grasp how this works, let’s break it down with a simple, visual representation of how data flows through a real-time monitoring system:

  • Step 1: Data across your system is collected from various sources—logs, metrics, events.
  • Step 2: The data is transmitted in real-time to a central monitoring system.
  • Step 3: It’s processed and analyzed to detect any anomalies or issues.
  • Step 4: Alerts are triggered based on the data, notifying your team of potential problems.
  • Step 5: Finally, the data is visualized in dashboards, offering a clear, actionable view of your system’s health.

Now that you know what real-time monitoring is, read on to know why it is such a game-changer for modern systems.

Top 4 Benefits of Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring is essential for maintaining optimal system performance and security. By having eyes on your systems at all times, you can catch and fix problems before they escalate, saving time, resources, and money. 

Here are the top 4 benefits of real-time monitoring. 

1. Stable and Well-Maintained Operations

With real-time monitoring, you can ensure that your infrastructure is always stable. Whether you're managing an IT system or overseeing a fleet of vehicles, being able to detect issues as they arise keeps things running smoothly. 

For example, a logistics company reduced delivery delays by 20% after applying real-time monitoring to their vehicle tracking system.

2. Enhanced and Up-to-Date Security

Security threats evolve quickly, and real-time monitoring helps you stay ahead. By keeping track of any unusual activity across your network, you can take immediate action to stop potential breaches. OpenObserve enables real-time alerts that notify you instantly when something looks off, helping you avoid costly security incidents.

3. Efficient Delivery of Data-Driven Services

The faster you can respond to data, the more efficiently you can deliver services. Real-time monitoring provides the insights you need to optimize performance and make smarter decisions. 

4. Complying with Regulatory Requirements

Real-time monitoring can also assist with regulatory compliance by ensuring that systems meet security and operational standards. Many industries, such as finance and healthcare, require organizations to have real-time visibility into their systems to prevent and address potential violations or breaches, helping them maintain compliance effortlessly.

Implementing a tool like OpenObserve provides these benefits, along with real-time alerts, full system visibility, and seamless integration with your existing infrastructure. Sign up now to get started today!

Read more about Revolutionizing Observability - Unveiling OpenObserve, the High-Performance, Cloud-Native Platform

Now, let's dive into the data types you should monitor in real-time and explore how you can track them effectively.

Types of Data Suitable for Real-Time Monitoring

Different types of metrics provide different insights, allowing teams to make informed, real-time decisions that keep systems running efficiently and securely. 

Let’s break down the key data types that you will benefit from the most with real-time monitoring.

1. System Metrics: CPU Usage, Memory Utilization, Disk I/O, Network Traffic

System metrics give you insight into the health of your infrastructure. For example, a sudden spike in CPU usage might signal that a server is under heavy load, leading to slower performance. 

Monitoring network traffic can help you spot potential bottlenecks or security threats. By keeping a close eye on these metrics, teams can proactively manage resources and prevent downtime.

2. Pipeline Metrics: Data Volume, Streaming Latency, Error Rate

For organizations managing data pipelines, metrics like streaming latency and error rate are critical. If data volume suddenly increases and latency rises, your pipeline may struggle to keep up, potentially affecting real-time data processing. Real-time monitoring helps you catch these issues early, allowing teams to make adjustments before service interruptions occur.

3. Data Quality Metrics: Accuracy, Completeness, Timeliness, Validity, Consistency, Uniqueness

Monitoring the accuracy and completeness of your data ensures you’re working with reliable information. If data is missing or inconsistent, it can lead to flawed analyses and poor decision-making. Real-time monitoring of these metrics allows teams to spot and fix data quality issues before they impact operations, ensuring clean and actionable data.

4. Schema Evolution: Table Names, Data Fields, Data Types, Relationships

As data evolves, so do the schemas that structure it. Monitoring changes in table names, field types, or data relationships in real time ensures compatibility and reduces the risk of breaking downstream systems. When schema changes are detected immediately, teams can adapt without delays or errors in processing.

5. Data Lineage: Source and Collection Process, Data Transformations, Destinations

Understanding data lineage is essential for tracking where your data comes from, how it’s transformed, and where it’s going. Real-time monitoring of data lineage helps you ensure that every transformation and movement is tracked and that your data is trustworthy. Any discrepancies can be spotted and addressed in real time, ensuring the integrity of your entire data pipeline.

By monitoring these data types in real time, organizations can stay ahead of performance issues, optimize resource usage, and maintain data integrity. OpenObserve can easily track and visualize these metrics, providing teams with actionable insights to ensure smooth operations. 

Explore how OpenObserve can transform your real-time monitoring

Next, you’ll explore how real-time monitoring works in action, from data collection to visualization.

How Real-Time Monitoring Works?

Real-time monitoring is more than just capturing data—it's about turning that data into actionable insights. Each step in the process, from data collection to visualization, plays a vital role in ensuring your system runs efficiently. Let's break down how this works in practice.

Step 1: Collecting Data from Logs, Metrics, and Other Sources

The first step is to gather data from various sources, including logs, metrics, and other telemetry data. This data typically comes from system components like CPUs, memory, network traffic, or custom application logs. 

For example, monitoring memory utilization in real-time can help avoid memory leaks that could degrade system performance.

Read more about the Difference Between Monitoring and Observability Explained

Step 2: Transmitting Data to the Central Monitoring System

Once collected, the data is sent to your central monitoring system for real-time analysis. Here’s where the power of real-time monitoring starts to shine. Immediate transmission allows you to stay informed about the current state of your systems and react quickly to any anomalies.

Step 3: Processing Collected Data for Analysis

As the data arrives, it's processed and organized, enabling you to drill down into specific metrics, such as disk I/O or network traffic. For example, real-time monitoring allows you to adjust resources to prevent slowdowns or failures if there's a sudden spike in traffic.

Step 4: Analyzing Processed Data to Detect Issues

The analyzed data helps you detect issues in real-time, such as CPU spikes or unusual error rates. For instance, if error rates in your pipeline metrics suddenly increase, you can use real-time monitoring to quickly identify and resolve the underlying cause.

Step 5: Alerting Based on Analyzed Data

Once the data is analyzed, the system triggers alerts based on pre-defined thresholds. 

For example, if CPU usage exceeds 90%, you'll be immediately notified to take action. This instant feedback loop helps you respond before problems escalate into full-blown outages.

Step 6: Visualizing and Reporting Based on Analyzed Data

Once your data is processed, it's time to visualize it. Tools like OpenObserve make this easy by providing customizable dashboards that track trends and alert you in real-time. One highly effective setup is to run Prometheus in agent mode to collect real-time metrics and send them to OpenObserve for long-term storage and visualization.

By running Prometheus in agent mode, you offload heavy storage and visualization tasks to OpenObserve, allowing Prometheus to focus solely on real-time data collection. This ensures your monitoring system remains lightweight and efficient while OpenObserve handles all the heavy lifting for visualization and trend analysis.

Here’s a sample configuration to send real-time metrics from Prometheus (in agent mode) to OpenObserve:

  scrape_interval: 15s

  - url: "https://openobserve-instance-url/v1/metrics"

This setup ensures that Prometheus efficiently captures real-time metrics, while OpenObserve provides the dashboards and reporting tools necessary for long-term analysis and insights.

Read more on how to Send Kubernetes Metrics Using Prometheus to OpenObserve

Step 7: Adapting the System Based on Evolving Requirements

As your system evolves, so do your monitoring needs. Regularly update your real-time monitoring configuration to keep up with changes in your infrastructure or application requirements. 

For example, a healthcare company can use real-time monitoring to ensure up-to-date data on patient vitals, adjusting the system as new metrics become critical.

Step 8: Improving the System Based on Metrics and Data Requirements

Finally, use the insights gained from real-time monitoring to optimize performance. Whether it's reducing downtime, improving user experience, or adjusting resource allocation, the data you collect and analyze will continuously improve your systems.

For example, a retail company saw a 30% reduction in downtime after implementing real-time monitoring across its infrastructure and sales pipeline, thanks to immediate alerts and detailed metrics.

Real-time monitoring transforms raw data into actionable insights by following these steps, driving operational efficiency. OpenObserve enables you to visualize these metrics effectively and scales with your needs, making it a perfect solution for long-term monitoring and data analysis.

Next, you'll dive into how to design dashboards for effective real-time data visualization.

Designing Effective Dashboards for Real-Time Data Visualization

When it comes to real-time monitoring, a well-designed dashboard can make all the difference. A clear and intuitive layout allows teams to quickly interpret data, spot trends, and respond to issues before they escalate. 

Let's break down the key components of an effective dashboard, drawing from practical, real-world examples.

1. Clear and Intuitive Layout

A cluttered dashboard is a missed opportunity. Keeping your layout simple and organized is essential to ensuring that your team can find what they need at a glance. 

For example, in a project monitoring cloud server performance, the team used a dashboard that clearly separated CPU usage, memory consumption, and network traffic. This layout made it easy to quickly spot and address performance bottlenecks.

Tip: Group related metrics together to avoid visual overload. Place critical metrics, such as error rates or system uptime, at the top of your dashboard, where they’re immediately visible.

2. Color Choice and Chart Types

Color choices and chart types are more than just aesthetic considerations—they're critical for understanding your data. Use colors strategically to highlight important trends, such as spikes in resource usage or performance dips. Avoid overusing bright colors, as they can cause distractions. Instead, use color to differentiate between metrics or data states, such as red for alerts and green for normal operations.

For instance, in one e-commerce project, a logistics company used heatmaps to track real-time vehicle locations and delays. The effective use of color gradients made distinguishing between on-time and delayed deliveries easy.

Chart Type Example:

  • Line charts work well for time-series data, like real-time monitoring of CPU usage over time.
  • Bar charts are great for comparing discrete categories, such as error rates between different services.
  • Heatmaps, as mentioned, are ideal for geographic data or for spotting trends across many variables at once.

3. Performance Influenced by the Quality of the Underlying Data Model

The performance of your dashboard is directly tied to the quality and structure of your underlying data model. For example, poorly indexed data can result in slow dashboard load times, making real-time monitoring less effective.  

By properly structuring your data—whether it's logs, metrics, or events—tools like OpenObserve allow you to visualise long-term trends seamlessly without performance lag. You can design dashboards that are not only fast but also scalable for growing data sets.

Pro Tip: Use aggregation tools like materialized views for common queries to reduce query times and improve dashboard responsiveness.

Best Practices for Real-Time Data Visualization

Effective real-time monitoring relies on clear, efficient data visualizations. You must follow key practices that enhance performance and usability to get the most out of your monitoring system. 

Let’s dive into some tried-and-tested best practices, with examples from real-world projects.

1. Optimize Queries for Efficiency

Inefficient queries can slow down your entire monitoring system when handling large volumes of data. For instance, a retail company using real-time monitoring to track inventory across multiple warehouses noticed significant delays due to unoptimized queries. By refining their SQL queries, they reduced processing times by 30%, enabling faster decision-making.

Pro Tip: Review and optimize your database queries regularly to ensure they retrieve data quickly and without unnecessary overhead.

2. Use Materialized Views for Common Aggregations

Consider using materialized views if your dashboards frequently rely on the same aggregations (e.g., daily CPU usage). These pre-computed tables significantly speed up query times.  

Pro Tip: Use materialized views for repetitive, resource-heavy calculations to reduce the load on your system and speed up real-time data analysis.

3. Implement Caching Strategies

Caching allows you to store frequently accessed data, reducing the need for repetitive database queries. A global streaming service reduced their latency by caching real-time monitoring data, leading to quicker response times and more seamless user experiences.

Pro Tip: Implement caching layers to store frequently accessed data, reducing the load on your system and ensuring faster real-time performance.

4. Leverage Streaming Data Sources

Real-time monitoring depends on streaming data to provide up-to-date insights. Platforms like OpenObserve allow you to integrate streaming data sources for accurate, real-time metrics.  

Pro Tip: Use streaming data sources, such as Apache Kafka or OpenObserve, to collect and process data in real time, allowing immediate action.

5. Choose Technology that Supports Real-Time Tasks

Your choice of technology can make or break your real-time monitoring setup. Tools like OpenObserve are built for real-time tasks and offer low-latency data collection, processing, and visualization.

Pro Tip: Always select tools that can handle the real-time demands of your data streams, ensuring that you can visualize changes as they happen.

6. Conduct Audience Research

Understanding your users’ needs is essential when designing dashboards. For example, a healthcare provider could used audience research to design real-time monitoring dashboards that focused on patient vital signs, ensuring that critical data was front and center for healthcare staff.

Pro Tip: Conduct research to identify what your users need most from the dashboard. This helps in designing interfaces that provide value immediately.

7. Ensure Data Security and Privacy

Real-time data monitoring often involves sensitive information, such as financial or personal data. For example, a large bank could implement real-time monitoring, integrated encryption and access control measures to ensure that only authorized personnel can view sensitive metrics.

Pro Tip: Implement strong encryption protocols and access control policies to safeguard sensitive data in real-time dashboards.

8. Keeping Visualizations Simple and Inclusive

Overcomplicating your dashboard can confuse users and obscure the data's meaning. For example, a logistics company could simplify and vehicle tracking dashboard by focusing on the key metrics and reducing unnecessary elements. This approach would make it easier for teams to act quickly on the data presented.

Pro Tip: Keep your dashboard layouts clean and intuitive. Use simple visual elements to convey complex data clearly, making it easier for your audience to interpret and act on the information.

Up next, you'll explore some of the top tools and technologies available to support your efforts.

Selecting the right tools and technologies is crucial for real-time monitoring. These platforms can help you efficiently process, analyze, and visualize large amounts of data.

  1. Real-Time Data Platforms: OpenObserve

OpenObserve is a flexible, open-source solution designed for real-time monitoring and data visualization. It seamlessly integrates into existing infrastructures and excels at ingesting, storing, and visualizing logs, metrics, and traces in real time. Its scalable architecture and cost-effective approach make it a strong alternative to tools like Tinybird for teams looking to handle real-time metrics with minimal overhead.

OpenObserve is ideal for teams that want an open-source tool that integrates well with other technologies while offering powerful visualization capabilities. This makes it a valuable option for long-term monitoring and analysis.

  1. Business Intelligence Tools: Tableau, Power BI, QuickSight

These BI tools offer powerful dashboards, visualizations, and reporting features. They are ideal for businesses looking to gain insights from large datasets without extensive programming knowledge.

  1. Frontend Frameworks: Tremor, Streamlit, Highcharts, Plotly, Retool

These frameworks allow you to build interactive dashboards and visualizations for real-time data. They are especially useful for developers creating customizable interfaces tailored to specific business needs.

  1. Backend Databases and Data Platforms: OpenObserve, Apache Kafka

These backend platforms provide the necessary infrastructure to process and analyze data streams at scale. OpenObserve, in particular, stands out as a unified observability platform that complements these tools by offering storage, visualization, and analytics for real-time logs, metrics, and traces. This ensures that your monitoring system can handle large volumes of data efficiently.

Check out the code on GitHub and see how OpenObserve works behind the scenes.


An effective real-time monitoring system is essential for optimal performance, security, and data-driven decision-making. Whether you're tracking system metrics, pipeline latency, or data quality, the right tools can make all the difference.

OpenObserve is a powerful open-source solution, offering seamless integration with your existing infrastructure for real-time monitoring logs, metrics, and traces. Its flexible, scalable, and cost-effective platform ensures that your teams can easily visualize and analyze data without being overwhelmed by complexity.

Ready to enhance your real-time monitoring capabilities?

Check out our GitHub repository



The OpenObserve Team comprises dedicated professionals committed to revolutionizing system observability through their innovative platform, OpenObserve. Dedicated to streamlining data observation and system monitoring, offering high performance and cost-effective solutions for diverse use cases.

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