Tag: observability

OpenObserve Vs Grafana

What are the differences between OpenObserve and grafana

Sending Pino Logs to OpenObserve: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to send Pino logs to OpenObserve using the @openobserve/pino-openobserve npm library. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions, including setting up the project, configuring OpenObserve integration, and observing logs in OpenObserve.

Kirtan Thakkar

February 11, 2024
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Why Apache ECharts Won Over Plotly in Our Tech Stack

We delves into our strategic shift from using Plotly to adopting Apache ECharts for our data visualization needs. It explores the reasons behind this decision, the comparative strengths and weaknesses of both tools, and the impact of this change on our user experience and technical operations

Kirtan Thakkar

December 24, 2023
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Empowering Monitoring Excellence with OpenObserve on Azure AKS

Standup AI team describes, how to setup OpenObserve on Azure AKS with postgres as metastore.

Johnson Huynh

December 13, 2023
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Jidu's Journey to 100% Tracing Fidelity with OpenObserve. A Case Study

Jidu acheived 100% tracing fidelity with OpenObserve by migrating from Elasticsearch to OpenObserve. Read this case study to learn how they did it.

Filter logs at source in otel collector

There are times when you would like to filter logs at source. This blog post shows how to do that when capturing logs using otel-collector.

Revolutionizing Observability - Unveiling OpenObserve, the High-Performance, Cloud-Native Platform

OpenObserve is an open source, cloud native open source observability platform that provides ~140x (YMMV. Could be higher or lower based on data entropy) lower storage costs compared to Elasticsearch. Use cases include real-life log data, significantly reduces operational costs, and improves ease of use. It can scale to petabytes of data, is highly performant, and allows you to sleep better at night 😴. If you are looking for an observability tool for logs, metrics, and traces, take a look at OpenObserve...

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