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Etcd Cluster Restore

Many users ran into the case only one of the 3 pods of etcd cluster can works. The other 2 pods always restart and can't back to work.

Our experiences in this case it is only one reason:

The 3 pods of the etcd cluster Killed / Recreate / Destroyed at same time.

Then the cluster was broken, Only one pod can works.

Let's help the cluster back to work.

If you only have one pod can't work, just delete the PVC of the pod and delete the pod, then it should be work.

1. Start the etcd cluster with bash

Because the etcd can't start, we need to start to etcd pod with bash. like this:

Change the values.yaml of helm for OpenObserve.

Add those lines:

  command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"]
    enabled: false
    enabled: false

After change the config of etcd should be like this:

  enabled: true # if true then etcd will be deployed as part of openobserve
  externalUrl: "" # if bundled is false then this is required
  replicaCount: 3 # if bundled is true then this is required. should be odd number
      enabled: false
      create: false
      allowNoneAuthentication: true
      rootPassword: ""
  logLevel: "info"
      value: "1"
  command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"]
    enabled: false
    enabled: false

2. Start the pod which still can work

Normally, at least you have one pod still can work. we should start the pod first, because it should have the latest data.

Use any tools or directory use kubectl -n openobserve exec etcd-N -- bash login the pod.

You can use the command env | grep ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER to check current config for initial cluster.

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ env | grep ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER

The result tell us the etcd cluster starting needs to wait 3 node, but we known it can't, so we change the environment only use current node to start.

Through the command line we can known current pod is etcd-2, so we change it like this:

Please note the pod can work for you maybe is etcd-1 you need to check it first.


Then start the etcd of this node:


Yes, just type etcd and enter. the etcd will start, and keep the command line here.

Notice: don't close it, it will shutdown the etcd server if you close the shell.

Waiting for seconds, you can see the etcd is working.

Then let's restore other nodes.

Before switch to other pod, we need to add a new member to this cluster.

You need create a new shell for this pod, in our case it is etcd-2.

Check current member of this cluster, it should only it self.

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl member list
3f59fc06477e49f8, started, openobserve-etcd-2, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false

Let's add a new member to this cluster:

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl member add openobserve-etcd-0 --peer-urls=http://openobserve-etcd-0.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380

We use the information from ENV. Here we add the member openobserve-etcd-0. of course you can choose etcd-1, it doesn't matter, but the next you need restore this node first.

3. Start other pods which can't work

Earlier we add etcd-0 to the cluster, so we need restore it first, Let's login into the pod.

First, Delete the old data of this node.

rm -fR /bitnami/etcd/data/*

Second, change the environment for the cluster:


Please notice it include 2 pods, etcd-0 and etcd-2.

Then start etcd:


Yes, just type etcd and enter. the etcd will start, and keep the command line here.

Notice: don't close it, it will shutdown the etcd server if you close the shell.

Waiting for seconds, you can see the etcd is working.

You can create a new shell and login into this pod to check it:

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl member list
3f59fc06477e49f8, started, openobserve-etcd-2, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false
51daebb86180a114, started, openobserve-etcd-0, http://openobserve-etcd-0.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-0.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false

It should list 2 members.

Let's add the last member, same steps do again:

First, add etcd-1 to the cluster:

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl member add openobserve-etcd-1 http://openobserve-etcd-1.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380

Second, login into the pod etcd-1, delete old data and start etcd.

Finally, it should list 3 members:

!@openobserve-etcd-2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl member list
3f59fc06477e49f8, started, openobserve-etcd-2, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-2.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false
51daebb86180a114, started, openobserve-etcd-0, http://openobserve-etcd-0.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-0.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false
8f96db53130680d4, started, openobserve-etcd-1, http://openobserve-etcd-1.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2380, http://openobserve-etcd-1.openobserve-etcd-headless.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,http://openobserve-etcd.ziox-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379, false

Okay, the cluster restored.

Now, we need restore the configuration of helm.

  enabled: true # if true then etcd will be deployed as part of openobserve
  externalUrl: "" # if bundled is false then this is required
  replicaCount: 3 # if bundled is true then this is required. should be odd number
      enabled: false
      create: false
      allowNoneAuthentication: true
      rootPassword: ""
  logLevel: "info"
      value: "1"
#   command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"]
#   livenessProbe:
#     enabled: false
#   readinessProbe:
#     enabled: false

Comment the command we added at first, and then deploy to k8s again. You will see the etcd pods recreate one by one. and every pod needs 2 minutes to become green.

After 5 minutes, everything should works.

You also need to recreate OpenObserve pods because the etcd recreated, maybe some pods can't connect to etcd for a while.