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Metrics Ingestion - JSON

Endpoint: POST /api/{organization}/ingest/metrics/_json

This will upload multiple records in batch with standard json format.

Data structure

        "__name__": "stream name",
        "__type__": "counter / gauge / histogram / summary",
        "label_name1": "label_value1",
        "label_name2": "label_value2",
        "_timestamp": 0, // unix timestamp in millisecond
        "value": 0.0 // float64 value


  • must use __name__ set stream name.
  • must use __type__ set metrics type. and the type can't be updated after first record
  • _timestamp needs UNIX timestamp or empty will fill by current timestamp
  • value should be float64 or int64

Metrics type

  • counter
  • guage
  • histogram
  • summary

You can find the detail at here:


e.g. POST /api/myorg/ingest/metrics/_json

        "__name__": "cpu",
        "__type__": "gauge",
        "namespace": "ziox",
        "container": "zo1",
        "_timestamp": 1687260776548485,
        "value": 1.31
        "__name__": "cpu",
        "__type__": "gauge",
        "namespace": "ziox",
        "container": "zo2",
        "value": 0.31

Each line is one record.


    "code": 200,
    "status": [
            "name": "cpu",
            "successful": 2,
            "failed": 0

Returns successful and failed count for each stream.

Restriction on number of fields/columns per record

Applicable to cloud version

Please note only records having 200 or less fields/columns will be considered for ingestion , records having more than 200 fields/columns will be discarded with failed status.

Applicable to open source version

One can configure ZO_COLS_PER_RECORD_LIMIT to set desired value for allowed number of fields/columns per record.


By default we add a field _timestamp for each record with the value of NOW in microseconds (unix epoch value).

we support use of two fields to override the default value.

  • _timestamp
  • @timestamp

we only support timestamp (unix epoch value) as data format for timestamp, but we can support:

  • seconds
  • miliseconds
  • microseconds


use miliseconds

    "kubernetes_container_name": "prometheus", 
    "_timestamp": 1674789786006

use microseconds

    "kubernetes_container_name": "prometheus", 
    "_timestamp": 1674789786006000



        "__name__": "zo_incoming_requests",
        "__type__": "counter",
        "endpoint": "/api/config",
        "method": "get",
        "status": "200",
        "instance": "zo1-openobserve-router-5d9f7d67c6-296wj",
        "_timestamp": 1690129406888,
        "value": 6.0


        "__name__": "ingest_wal_used_bytes",
        "__type__": "gauge",
        "organization": "default",
        "stream_type": "logs",
        "stream": "default",
        "instance": "zo1-openobserve-router-5d9f7d67c6-296wj",
        "_timestamp": 1690129406888,
        "value": 180567.1


Histogram is a complex metrics type, need 4 types data values.

  1. The Histogram type row of the metrics name.
  2. The Counter type rows of the _bucket values.
  3. The Counter type row of the _count value.
  4. The Counter type row of the _sum value.
    {"__name__": "http_response_time", "__type__": "histogram"},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_bucket", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "le": "0.001", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_bucket", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "le": "0.01", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_bucket", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "le": "0.1", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_bucket", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "le": "+Inf", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_count", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_response_time_sum", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 0.003}


Summary is a complex metrics type, need 4 types data values.

  1. The Summary type row of the metrics name.
  2. The Counter type rows of the metrics values.
  3. The Counter type row of the _count value.
  4. The Counter type row of the _sum value.
    {"__name__": "http_request_time", "__type__": "summary"},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "quantile": "0.001", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "quantile": "0.01", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "quantile": "0.1", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "quantile": "+Inf", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time_count", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 18.0},
    {"__name__": "http_request_time_sum", "__type__": "counter", "endpoint": "/api/default/default/_json", "method": "get", "_timestamp": 1690129406888, "value": 0.003}